
3.1 Early Morning Club & Late pick up

Early morning club: This service will start at 8:00am on the 9th of September. Those families who wish to use this service must send the form they can find in appendix VI.

Late pick up: This service will start on the 9th September from 4 to 5:30pm for PYP Infants. This service will also be available during September for the rest of students. As from October it will be available for the rest of students 5 to 5:30pm,should we reach the minimum of students required.

Both services will be available on the platform for occasional reservations.


We remind you that the school uniform shop is now open, please find below a reminder of the opening times. Please remember to book your appointment:

* From 2nd to 6th September: from 09:30 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 17:30

From 9th September the school uniform shop timetable will be the following:

Mañanas – Mornings Tardes – Afternoons
Lunes – Mondays 09:00 – 10:30 15:00 – 17:30
Martes – Tuesdays 09:35 – 10.30 15:00 – 15:30
Miércoles -Wednesdays 09:35 – 10.30 15:00 – 15:30
Jueves – Thursdays 09:35 – 10.30 15:00 – 15:30
Viernes  – Fridays 09:35 – 10.30 15:00 – 15:30

We would also like to remind you that any clothes left in lost property can be picked up until the 30th September, after this they will go to the outlet.

3.3 School Restaurant

The school has school restaurants that offer a complete, nutritionally balanced diet, cooked every day at the school by a team of chefs, cooks and kitchen assistants. In Appendix II you can find the September menu.

3.4 BUS

If you wish to use the bus service please remember to send the contracto (see appendix VI)
Families who use the bus service will be able to receive updates regarding the bus service (delayes, etc) via an App, Telegram.

To do so, they must register via the following links.

3.5 Extracurricular Activities and Co-Learning

Extracurricular Activities

During the time the students are in school they will have the opportunity to participate in a large number of activities organised by the school or by external collaborators to complement their education and training. They will take place from October, Monday to Fridays from 4:05 to 18:00hs. These activities are not compulsory and involve an extra payment, depending on the chosen activity. During the following days you will be receiving information regarding the offered activities during this new school year. Please find information in appendix III.


The Co-Learning (“study”service) will take place as from October, from Monday to Thursday and is available for students from Year 2 onwards who wish to stay until 17:05hs. This service will be free for all students who commit to it from Monday to Thursday including combining with Extracurricular activities.









Participation:  Familylab
